“You’re Beautiful.” Always Remember that.
When looking at yourself in the mirror,
you may tend to notice your
but always remember,
the mirror can’t really tell you how
beautiful you really are.
When getting off the weighing scale,
don’t look down on yourself, you’re beautiful.
If you’re skinny or a little fat
you’re still beautiful
to another person’s point of view.
Be confident, be
there’s a lot more people out there.
A little love for yourself is never wrong.
If you’re full of insecurities,
throw them aside and be confident.
Always wear your best smile
and show the world that you’ve got what it takes to be happy
those insults, insecurities, shame.
It’s okay to make a mistake, you
will learn from that experience.
Whenever you fall down, get right back
It’s okay to cry, it’ll release all your bad feelings.
There will
always be some times when you’re down,
but there’s also some times when
you’re up.
Have faith in God and let his love lead you through your hard
He’s just one prayer away.
“Haters are just confused admirers.” quoted Paulo Coelho.
Most people don’t see the beauty they already have and
starve themselves to death. Most teenagers of today choose to create
suicide. Some people are never contented with what they already have.
always remember, no matter what body shape you’ve got, no matter what
race you come from, no matter tall or short, no matter what imperfection
you’ve got… Always remember, You’re beautiful.